Shoulder height is 48-50 inches. Weight is 330-350 pounds.
15-16 years.
Name:Red Hartebeest
Scientific Name: Alcelaphus Caama
Trophy Fee: $650
The Hartebeest is a grassland antelope found in West Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa. The word ‘hartebeest’ comes from the Dutch words ‘hart'(heart) and ‘beest'(beast/animal). The Red Hartebeest is a large, reddish-fawn antelope with sloping back and long narrow face. Both sexes have heavily ringed horns.
Found in semi-desert savanna. They may be found in open woodlands but they tend to avoid dense woodlands. They prefer open plains such as grassplains, floodplains, grassveld, vleis and strips of grass around pans.
Preferred habitat is the dry, arid regions of Namibia, the Kalahari, southern Botswana, northwestern South Africa.