Scientific Name: Aepyceros Melampus
Trophy Fee: $500
Impala are sexually dimorphic. In this species only the males have S shaped horns that are 17 - 36 inches long. These horns are heavily ridged, thin, and the tips lie far apart. Both sexes are similarly colored with red-brown hair which pales on the sides. The underside of the belly, chin, lips, inside ears, the line over the eye, and tail are white. There are black stripes down the tail, foreheard, both thighs, and eartips. These black stripes might aid in recognition between individuals. Aepyceros melampus also have scent glands on their rear feet beneath patches of black hair as well as sebaceous glands on the forehead. The graceful impala is a slender, medium-sized antelope so adaptable that it is found from southern Africa to the northern limits of East Africa.
The impala is found in woodland which contains little undergrowth and low to medium height grassland. Also a close source of water is desired, however is not needed when there is abundance of grass.
The impala is found from northeast South Africa to Angola, south Zaire, Rwanda, Uganda,and Kenya.
Impala rams average 140 pounds while the ewes average 100 pounds and have no horns. The average impala has a horn length of 22 inches.
12 years.